help prevent RSI, employee back, neck and arm pain in your workplace

Help prevent RSI, back, neck and arm pain in your workplace

Did you know you are legally responsible for preventing back pain and RSI in the workplace?

Employers have a legal responsibility to prevent injury in the workplace. Office-based workers are susceptible to back, neck and arm pain from computer use and sitting at a desk for long periods.  Repetitive strain injury (RSI) Symptoms include significant loss of power in the wrist and hand, numbness and nerve pain in the arm, which will prevent employees from working on a computer, possibly for months or even indefinitely.

Check out the Health and Safety Executive leaflet on working with VDUs (visual display units or computers) for more information on your role and responsibilities.

What is back pain and RSI costing your business?

Companies have a vested interest in injury prevention.

What is an easy and cost-effective solution?

Correct posture with 1 minute exercises

You can purchase a set of Posture Exercises at your Desk as a download. The exercises are based on years of experience treating office workers with non specific arm pain (RSI symptoms).  They are a mix of stretches and specific strengthening exercises for people who use computers, and are specifically designed to be performed at the desk.

Benefits are:

See a demo right now by clicking on the play button below:

In-house EasyPosture workshop

Accompanying your download you could have a half or full day workshop for individuals or small groups of employees to learn:

* how to sit strain-free
* how to make your working environment comfortable
* back, neck and shoulder stretches to prevent the build-up of muscle tension
* specific strengthening exercises to improve core stability

Short 5 minute massage sessions at your workstation could also be arranged.  Employees won't even need to leave their desk.

What do you need to do?

You can opt for the Posture Exercises at your Desk video and workshop as an EasyPosture Programme or choose the desk exercises or workshops as a stand-alone product or service.  Call 07958 602773 or email for a quote based on your requirements.